Cop a Squat


Want to work as many muscles as possible, while only doing 1 exercise at a time? Of course you do! Who wouldn’t! Squats are a great way to target multiple muscles – quads, hamstrings, and glutes – all with 1 powerful move. Most trainers believe they give you the most “bang for your buck”, but the trick is making sure your form is correct. Bad form equals little benefit, and most importantly, possible injury. When you squat, imagine sitting into a chair. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, knees bent and behind your ankles as much as possible. You never want your knees moving over your toes…bad, bad, bad for your knees. Your butt should be low, almost parallel to the ground. Come back into a straight legged position, then repeat the squat on single counts, increasing to “low ends”, which are 2-3 count small pulses in the squat position. If you feel any pain in your knees, stop and check your form or consult a physician to be sure you’re not injurying yourself. If the squats are workin’ for ya, add a light weight for more resistance. Happy squating ladies! Feel the burn!

Posted on May 11, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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